Earth Week: Reusable Straws

Earth Week: Reusable Straws

213/365 Today I'm rounding out my week-long series on Earth Week, and how our family is reducing our footprint on this fragile planet, by talking all about reusable straws! Recycling Disposable Straws I had the idea for reusable straws several years ago when I realized that we were throwing away too many straws. However, I recently saw that City of…
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Earth Week: Solar Panels

Earth Week: Solar Panels

212/365 Back in 2014, we decided to take a leap of faith and get solar panels for our house. This was around the time that quite a few people had solar on their house, but it hadn't taken off like it has now. Bryan did some research and found that Solar City (owned by Tesla) was the company to hire.…
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Earth Week: Reusable Bags

Earth Week: Reusable Bags

211/365 Several years ago, I had the idea to start taking my own bags with me to the grocery store. The clerks generally looked at me like I was crazy, because at that time, bringing your own bag wasn't really a thing, at least in Arizona. I even had my own produce bags I had bought online. That really threw…
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Earth Week: Suburban Garden

Earth Week: Suburban Garden

210/365 This spring, Bryan has resurrected his dream of building a garden in our backyard. He's been hard at work clearing space, mapping out garden beds, and setting up our composting systems so that we are ready for planting in midsummer. Valley of the Sun Where we live is not called the Valley of the Sun for nothing. We have…
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Earth Week: Reusable Towels

Earth Week: Reusable Towels

209/365 It's Earth Week, and we are celebrating by assessing our consumption and looking for ways to cut back. Here is another way that we accomplish this in our family, using cloth towels instead of disposable paper products. Shop Towels This is an idea I implemented several years ago, even before I had kids. I bought packs of shop towels…
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Earth Week: Worm Farm

Earth Week: Worm Farm

208/365 The kids were off yesterday, so we decided to take the time to visit the Arizona Worm Farm as a family. My husband has been busy this spring preparing our backyard for a suburban garden, and a worm bin can be an essential component of a healthy garden, especially here in the Valley of the Sun with our hard,…
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Earth Week: “Penguins” Review

Earth Week: “Penguins” Review

207/365 Yesterday, we spent some time out of our busy Easter Sunday to catch the newest DisneyNature film, Penguins. It was a cute movie without as much of the heartache as its predecessor, Born in China, that was released two years ago during Earth Month. Steve I love how the DisneyNature films name the main character and follow the animal…
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