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Disney Quick Tip: Splash Mountain with Your Little One

Disney Quick Tip: Splash Mountain with Your Little One


If your little one is brave enough to take the plunge and is at least 40 inches tall, here are a couple of tips for making your kiddo’s first ride on Splash Mountain a great one.

Make Sure Your Child Is Ready

It’s definitely best to make sure your child knows what they’re getting into first. Have them watch the ride from the outside at the very least. You can easily see the big drop from the bridge on the way to the ride. You can even watch what happens right after the main plunge on the secret pathway behind Harbour Galley. It’s fun to listen to everyone laughing and talking about how wet they got. If your child decides not to ride, honor their hesitancy and either wait until next time or use rider switch with another adult.

Maggie first rode Splash Mountain when she was only three and a half. She was not ready. She did all of the 40 inch rides on that trip because she wanted to keep up with the older kids in our group. It was quite a while before she would try it again, citing wetness as the main complaint. Carter first tried Splash Mountain when he was four and a half. The look on his face would say otherwise, but he said he liked it. He proceeded to take advantage of Maggie’s boycott to ride with mom alone for the next several trips, and I was happy to have a cohort!

Ask for the Back Row

When you get to the loading zone, ask the cast member if you can sit in the back. Seats 6 and 7 are right next to each other in the back of the log. I see so many photos of parents desperately (and awkwardly) holding their child from the seat behind. There’s no need. You can sit right next to your child and hold them from there. (Although there’s really no need to hold them at all, unless it’s to help them feel safer!) You may have to wait a log or two, but it is definitely worth it for your peace of mind.

Get in First

It’s parental instinct to put your child in first, but you’ll want your child on the other side of you for the picture, so you’ll have to get in first and then have your child sit next to you. Otherwise, you and the person in front of you (or someone else’s hand) will block your child in the attraction photo. And, of course, you’ll definitely want to capture that look on their face!

What has been your experience with little ones on Splash Mountain? Are they brave or hesitant?

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