Happy Birthday, Disneyland!

Happy Birthday, Disneyland!

293/365 Disneyland turns 64 today! It seems like the 60th anniversary celebration was just yesterday, and I'm sure that the 75th anniversary in a few years will sneak up on us, too. To celebrate, I want to take a look at Disneyland throughout my own history. Disneyland Past My family has had so many happy memories at Disneyland over the…
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Adjusting Our Travel Goal

Adjusting Our Travel Goal

113/365 Over the past two weeks, I've been mulling over the efficacy of our goal of getting Disney Premier Passports starting in September. When Disneyland surreptitiously raised ticket prices overnight almost two weeks ago, I had to take a step back and reevaluate. Here are my top three reasons to adjust my goal, and if you click on the heading,…
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