Day 71/365
Another new Swago starts today over at Swagbucks. It’s chock-full of easy, click-throughs to stores. Only the center square is not a click-through like last time, so you should be able to submit for the lower amount in just a few minutes. However, it’s only live for today and tomorrow, so you have to hurry to join.
If you haven’t already, you will need to install the SwagButton extension on your browser in order to complete a lot of the squares. If you see a square with a small i on it, you can click that for more information.

If you choose to complete this square, be sure to do so as soon as possible to allow the transaction to process. I chose to skip this square since I have enough gift cards, and they are not offering enough of a bonus to make it worth it to me. Luckily, there is an “all but center square” pattern to choose from when you submit!
Join Swagbucks, Already!
If you haven’t joined Swagbucks, please use my referral link on the banner below. I sincerely appreciate it!