Day 16/365 2018-2019
With the kids demanding we go Halloween costume shopping this weekend, I had to quickly assess which stores would have the best coupons.
Party City or Spirit Halloween?
I had two coupons (thanks, Dad!) from Spirit Halloween in my coupon case for 25% off a single item. I thought that would be good since I have two costumes to buy. Carter, however, didn’t want to go to Spirit since their displays are too scary. So we started at the closer Party City instead, which actually saved us more (thanks, Carter!). Unfortunately, we had already wasted an hour in the morning browsing the costumes on the Spirit website. Neither of the kids knew what they want to be for Halloween, so this process was destined to take up most of our day!

Look for Coupons
Before we left for Party City, I searched their website and found a 20% off coupon, and this one can be used on an entire purchase! Now it is only good through Monday, so you’d better do your shopping as soon as possible. If you miss it, look for your 25% off a single item coupon to Spirit in your Val-Pak mailer, as those are good through the end of the month. You can also find an in-store coupon on RetailMeNot, but it is only for 20%.

All within Budget
So, Carter and Maggie found great costumes with accessories (and lip gloss at Walmart for Maggie) for much less than the $40 budget I gave each of them. I won’t reveal what they chose. They’d rather that be a surprise!