All this week, you can earn two free rejoins for every game you play Swagbucks LIVE! Read on to find out all about this fun trivia game on Swagbucks.
Free Rejoins
You can also earn Free Rejoins by inviting other people to play Swagbucks LIVE. Free Rejoins were a prize on Spin & Win that came with non-Shop Swago games, and I’d rack up a ton of them that way. Unfortunately, we haven’t seen a Spin & Win in quite some time.
Use Next Week
Your Free Rejoins this week will be available to use next week. When Swagbucks did this last time, they even extended the Free Rejoins into the following week, which was nice for me since I missed a game in there somewhere. I almost always need a Free Rejoin each game, so they are very valuable to me. If I don’t have a Free Rejoin, I’m out. I won’t spend precious SB on rejoining a game not knowing if I will answer any subsequent questions correctly.

Swagbucks LIVE
If you have no idea what I am talking about, Swagbucks LIVE is the app-based game from Swagbucks where you answer 10 trivia questions during a live show. You can win anywhere from $500 to $2000 in SB, or at least a portion of the winnings, depending on how many other people win.

Swagbucks LIVE On Easy Street
Since it’s still September, we’re still on Easy Street this week. I find that I can answer most of the questions, but there is still one that gets me almost every time. I regret not rejoining for 17 SB, but I never know if it’s just going to be that one question, or if there will be another not-so-obvious one lurking around the corner.

Play Swagbucks LIVE
So what are you waiting for? Download Swagbucks LIVE and play for yourself. Heck, maybe you will get an easy game and win $1000!