This weekend, August 16-18, 2019, you can get some extra “kicks” by walking in stores, scanning items, and making purchases. While Shopkick is not a great earner for me, (I won’t go out of my way to get points), it can be a great way to boost your points when you’re out and about in the next couple of days.
Blue Weekend
Every so often, Shopkick hosts what they dub a Blue Weekend. Some stores have increased walk-ins, extra scans, and bonus kicks for purchases. If you have a bunch of stores in one area, you can boost your kicks balance by dropping by this weekend. Pay attention to which stores are paying out when because some of them are only running specials on Saturday.

Shopkick will pay you just to walk in certain stores. You can check the app to see which stores are paying kicks in your area. You’ll need to turn on your smartphone’s Bluetooth for this to work. I’ve even had a walk-in work when I was driving by the entrance to a store! That makes it super easy, especially if you weren’t planning to go inside.

If you have some time, you can walk around a store to find merchandise to scan. This can be fun to do, although you might feel a little awkward at first. Many stores offer deals on items if you scan the barcode into their own store app, so scanning is becoming more common while shopping. When I first started using Shopkick, a Target employee noticed what I was doing and proceeded to show me where the products to be scanned that week were located. It was pretty hilarious!
Kicks for Purchases
If you happen to buy at a store that gives kicks for receipts scanned (with specific items purchased) or if you use a linked card for a purchase, you can earn even more. I don’t recommend this for Best Buy because you have to have the cashier scan a QR code like you do with Swagbucks, and Swagbucks pays much more than Shopkick at Best Buy.

Learn More
If you haven’t ever used Shopkick, check out this post I wrote detailing how you can use this app to earn points towards gift cards. It can be a slow earner for me. However, this weekend will be a good time to boost my point balance and maybe finally cash out to a Target gift card!
Use the Shopkick link anywhere in this post to sign up using my referral. You’ll need to complete your first walk-in or scan within the first 7 days of signing up. That way, you’ll earn some bonus points, and so will I!