Do you have any old car seats sitting around taking up space in your garage like I do? Bring them to Walmart through Monday, September 30, 2019 and get a $30 Walmart gift card.
The Deal
Walmart has teamed up with Terracyle to get used car seats out of the waste stream and encourage consumers not to resell or buy used seats. The danger here is that the buyer may not be aware of expiration dates or accidents the seat has been in. While some may argue that expiration dating car seats is a money grab by the manufacturer, those of us who live in the hot desert know what happens to plastic when it’s left out in the heat, much like the interior of your car on a summer day. It disintegrates. Not what you want protecting your child or anyone else’s, I would hope. Here is a great resource on car seats.

Limit of Two and No Boosters
The limit on this deal is two seats per household, but I don’t know if they take your information. You might be able to do this deal on another day or at another store if you have more than two seats to recycle. Booster seats are not accepted. I saw a very disappointed man in Walmart get turned away with his two backless boosters yesterday when I was there buying money orders for yet another two school t-shirts. I happened to comment on it to my cashier, and remarked that I needed to find the hardware for my kids’ convertible seats since they last used them as boosters. He informed me that they would be fine without the hardware because they are considered car seats and not boosters. Since they are getting recycled, the hardware is inconsequential.

Great Deal
The reason this is a great deal is because while other retailers have these recycling programs, they offer a discount on a new seat. (I’m looking at you, Target.) My kids have (or almost have) hit their upper limit on their seats. Granted, I bought a set that has a ridiculously high limit (yes, I’m that mom), but I don’t need a new seat when the youngest one does (finally) grow out of it. I need new pants for the kiddo! I’ve often thought of giving the old seats to families with younger kids, but I would want to be sure they didn’t use it past the expiration date. This program gives me a way to be socially responsible while also being environmentally sustainable, and with a $30 Walmart gift card (or two or three) in my pocket.