The first trailer for Episode IX of the Star Wars saga is now available thanks to the Star Wars Celebration convention this week. We now know that the title for the last installment of the latest Star Wars trilogy is The Rise of Skywalker. Come along with us as we watch the trailer and give our reactions.
Reaction Video
There are so many things to unpack here. Rey is facing (probably) Kylo Ren with only Luke’s lightsaber, presumably put back together after they force-tore it apart in the last film. Rey has gained in her power over the force enough to coordinate a crazy backward flip up onto his ship at top speed. Crazy! The soundtrack takes us back to the first film with Leia’s theme playing as we see the rest of the players.
- Kylo rampaging and putting his helmet back together
- Finn and Poe together
- Lando and Chewie jumping to lightspeed in the Millenium Falcon
- BB-8 and a new droid friend
- A chase/battle in the desert with Finn, Poe, and C-3PO
- A weeping Rey hugging Leia
- The gang finding the wreckage of the Death Star from Episode VI
And then that laugh. That evil, evil laugh. Right after Luke says, “No one’s ever really gone.” You think he’s talking about the Jedis, but the edit leads to the Emperor’s laugh. Wow!
Star Wars from the Beginning
I’ve been a Star Wars fan since my family and I saw the first movie at the
Ciné Capri in Phoenix when I was only six years old. We’ve watched Luke, Leia, Han, and the gang battle the Dark Side for over 40 years, and now it is coming to an end after 11 movies have told the story, from the original trilogy, to the prequels, and now this new generation of films. It feels a bit bittersweet that we have to say goodbye to this chapter, but I know Star Wars will be alive as long as there are storytellers who continue to delight us with tales from a Galaxy Far, Far Away.
Coming in December
I thought it was a long time to wait for Avengers: Endgame, but it’s been less than a year since Infinity War. We haven’t seen a new Star Wars film in OVER A YEAR now! December will be a long time coming!